ALPHA project

All updates on the Alpha project

Here we share project updates and other news stories.

Meal Protein Quality Score: A novel tool to evaluate protein quantity and quality of meals
Meal Protein Quality Score: A novel tool to evaluate protein quantity and quality of meals

A short version of our full preprint, which is accessible here.

Background:The recent shift towards increased plant-based protein consumption has necessitated the development of new tools to evaluate the quality and quantity of protein in meals, especially given the changing dietary guidelines and the adoption of plant-centric menus in healthcare and other settings.

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Alpha-tool calculates protein quality of plant-based meals
Alpha-tool calculates protein quality of plant-based meals
Article from Resource by Dominique Vrouwenvelder
The tool helps dieticians put together plant-based meals for older adults.

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Focus group meetings completed

This week, we have had the final round of focus groups with dietitians and older adults, in The Netherlands and in Copenhagen. The focus groups are thereby finished. In three different sessions, in June, September, and November, we gathered targeted input from these potential end-users of the tool. They expressed their specific needs, the circumstances in which they would use the tool, ideas for additional functionalities, and the design of the application. In the final focus group meeting, we were able to show them the first screens of the tool! We have received a lot of information on the clarity of these screens, and we know exactly how to keep on developing.

The current project is almost at its end. The 9 months funded by AAL end in December. This means that we are busy with writing the final report and manuscript and that we are actively seeking new investors/subsidies to further develop the tool. In the next phase, we aim to test the calculations and feedback of the AI by running simulation data, and after improving identified flaws, test the application in a real-life setting. So, stay tuned, because this adventure is all but over!

User Task Environment, Brainwriting, Walt Disney Method, and Cognitive Walkthrough were used to co-create the amino acid tool in focus groups with dietitians and older adults


Focus groups have started

We have successfully recruited (almost) all participants for the focus groups in Wageningen and Denmark. The first focus groups have been concluded, and information, directions and ideas from the participants have been used to guide us in developing the right tool. Meanwhile, our researchers are busy systematically transcribing all information from the focus group meetings for scientific publications. We kindly thank all participants for these first sessions, and we look forward to seeing you again in September for the next sessions.

A real-life gathering

As usual these days, we have mainly met each other digitally in Teams meetings. Even within Wageningen, the meetings between WUR and FI had been mainly online, until a few weeks ago. But last Friday, we met with delegates of all four consortium partners in Wageningen (see picture). It was a real pleasure to meet our colleagues from Romania and Denmark. After a very productive, information-dense meeting of a few hours, we continued with a nice dinner in the city centre of Wageningen.


Being at almost one-third of the project timeline, it is good to check our progress so far. We have made great advancements with our databases, algorithm decisions, front-end designs and focus groups. all work packages know exactly what to do in the coming time. We look forward to the coming months, in which we can finally start building the machine!

Ønskes: diætister
Ønskes: 60+ årige

Ønskes: 12 60+ årige, som ønsker at bidrage til udviklingen af et vejledningsværktøj vedr. planteproteiner. > continue reading

Gezocht: Diëtisten
Gezocht: Ouderen

Gezocht: 12 ouderen die willen meewerken aan de ontwikkeling van een voedingstool > continue reading

Gezocht: Diëtisten
Gezocht: Diëtisten

Gezocht: 12 Diëtisten die willen bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van een aminozuurtool. > continue reading

Ønskes: diætister
Ønskes: diætister

Ønskes: 12 diætister, der ønsker at bidrage til udviklingen af et aminosyreværktøj > continue reading