ALPHA project

Project timeline

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June 2024

Preprint online: Meal Protein Quality Score
Openly accessible via
Methods The MPQS integrates digestibility-adjusted EAA intake with total protein consumed in a meal, that together with the EAA requirements provide a score from 0 to 100 to reflect EAA coverage adequacy. The score was tested for feasibility by applying it to recipe data from real life hospital meals, and to dietary data from the NU-AGE trial, involving detailed seven-day food records from 252 non-vegan participants analyzed over multiple meal moments.

May 2024

Alpha-Tool is live!
The tool works and has been published online. The tool is now tested by more than 70 professionals: dietitians, chefs, and researchers. Can not wait and want to try it out? Reach out to me:

November 2023

Additional funding received
Cosun Nutrition Center in the Netherlands and Helsefonden in Denmark have committed to supportive grants of 40.000 euro each to stimulate further development of Alpha-Tool. These funds allow us to further work on the calculations of protein quality to bridge the gap between sustainability and health, and to support the technological development of the webtool.

April 2023

Preprint online: The co-creation of a digital tool that ensures sufficient protein quality in plant-based meals of older adults
The results of the focus groups revealed the need for a tool in the guidance of meal planning to ensure sufficient protein quality. A first co-created prototype of the tool is ready, which will be further developed and optimized according to the needs of end users. This user-driven tool, designed to guide meal composition for sufficient protein quality, holds promise for enhancing older adults' dietary choices and health outcomes as they transition to plant-based diets.

February 2022

Start project, kick-off meeting with project members 24-02-2022
The kick-off meeting of project ALPHA took place on the 24th of February. The project, led by Pol Grootswagers of the Wageningen University (WUR), is part of the European Active and Assisted Living (AAL) programme. This programme supports, through national funding agencies, innovative and translational projects carried out in partnership with SME's, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the elderly.
During the kick-off, the members of the project team agreed on their method of work and coordination, discussed the first deliverables and reviewed their work plan for the next months.

March-May 2022

Recruitment of end-users
Groups of older adults and dietitians (n=48 in total) have been recruited in Denmark and the Netherlands
First focus group meeting with the experts, with the focus on ‘understanding’.
A first meeting with the focus group performing a UTE analysis (User-Task-Environment Analysis) has been completed. Additional requirements and features from the user's perspective have been identified.

August/September 2022

Second focus group meeting with the experts, with the focus on ‘conseptualising’.
We will have a brainwriting session, aiming to generate ideas for functions and services that could further improve the application.
Meeting with the project members
To discuss the features to be included in the final product (selection list). Results from the brainwriting session will be discussed.

November 2022

Third focus group meeting with the experts, with the focus on ‘testing’.
An online version of the application is ready to use and will be evaluated via a cognitive walkthrough followed by co-discovery.
If possible: Start of the testing phase
During this second half, a panel of older adults (n=30) will use the application for 3 weeks, if already available by that time.

December 2022

Meeting with the project members
The end of the project and the final formation of the application